Toyota Camry Front Brake Pad Shim Caliper Hardware


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SKU: AA1345 Category: Tag:

Product Number : AA1345

Toyota Camry Front Brake Pad Shim Caliper Hardware

Quantity: 1 kit ( left & right brake caliper)


Suits Models: TOYOTA CAMRY 1997 – 2002 MCV20 SXV20 

Suits: 4 & 6 Cylinder with Akebono brake caliper ONLY! Brake pad shape DB1345


Kit contains;

  • Brake pad / caliper shims x 4
  • Wear indicator x 2


   Features of new brake hardware

> Prevents noise & premature wear on rotors / pads

> Eliminates heat & corrosion deterioration 

> Minimizes drag to improve fuel economy 

> Restores brakes to like new performance

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